Used Cars


Used Cars direction at Autotrade Ltd. started business activity along with the creation of the company in 1992
It has been an independent object since 2006. The main activity of the direction is related to sales of new and used cars.

The modern used cars complex (Vladislavovo region above METRO – towards Aksakovo) occupies an area of 3 decares and is built according to all contemporary requirements and standards. The area around the base is asphalted and is supplied with markings for each car in the parking lot. The cosy bar offers warm and cold drinks and comfort for relaxing moments. There are more than 50 available vehicles that are maintained by the company staff.

What do we offer?

- Volkswagen, new and second hand;
- BMW, second hand;
- Mercedes, second hand;
- Audi, second hand;
- Peugeot, second hand;
- Opel, second hand.
- Mazda, second hand
- Toyota, second hand
For your convenience: at the showroom one can order brand new Volkswagen vehicles – full range of light and lightweight cars.

Our advantages:

1. Young and ambitious team of professionals ready to offer comprehensive and quality service to meet the requirements of each client.

2. Car delivery from abroad. Besides Bulgaria the company works with many agencies in Germany and other European countries.

3. Buy-back system for car repurchase with deducting the residual value when buying new cars.

4. Dealers, sales assistants, office assistants and security guards ensure the safety, overall maintenance, insurance and registration of every vehicle.

5. Autotrade leasing advantageous conditions – new and used cars.


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